Desde el estado de Paraná, en el corazón de la zona forestada con Pinos amarillos, nos proveemos de madera aserrada
Forestacion con Plantaciones Aserradero
Capacidad de producción : 10.000 m3/mensul
Especiess: Pino Elliottii / Pino Taeda.
Densidad : 490 a 600 kg/m3
Our product is Kiln Dried and has a Moisture Content of between 8 and 12%. * Special orders upon request.
Tolerances for Rough Sawn Lumber
Thicknesses: -1/+2 mm
Widths: -1/+2 mm
Lengths: -5/+20 mm
Tolerances for S4S
Thicknesses: +/- 0 mm
Widths: +/- 0 mm
Lengths: +/- 0 mm
We fit around 46m3 to 48m3 in a 40’ High Cube Container
Thickness | 19/22/25/32/36/42/50/64/75 mm |
Width | mm: 75/100/120/125/140/150/160/175/180/200 Inch: 3/4/5/6/7/8 |
Length | 2000/2135/2440/2500/2745/3000/3050/3355/3500/ 3660/3965/4000/4270/4500/4575/4880/5000 mm |
* Other sizes upon request
Clear all sides
In this grade there exist 4 faces free of pith. Normally consists of sideboards without knots or
with firm knots, where the sum of the diameters does not surpass 50% of the width of the boards
for every meter in length on both faces. Defects such as heavy resin pockets, extensive wane,
heavy wrapping and twisting are removed to other grades.
This grade does not admit pieces that present:
- loose, empty, decay or tie knots
- active or inactive insect holes
- splits or cracks
- more than 10% of blue or brown spots
- resin pockets
- pith
Clear 1 side
One face complies with the standard described above and the other face allows firm knots in any
interval, also without pith. Defects such as heavy resin pockets, extensive wane, heavy wrapping
and twisting are removed to other grades.
A+ Grade
In this grade there exist 4 faces free of pith. In some instances however, if pith shows on one
face for less than 15cm it is allowed, depending on the location. Normally consists of sideboards
with few knots and a higher density lumber (from 500 to 600 kg/m3). Big defects such as heavy
resin pockets, extensive wane, heavy wrapping and twisting are removed to B Grade.
We do not grade by knots, therefore this grade may contain all types of knots.
Select Grade
This grade is mill-run from the center block and it may present boards with:
- all sides without pith
- pith on one face
- pith on both faces
- up to 15% of defects such as:
. wane and dead edges in small places of the board (never in its entire length), bow, wrapping and twisting, splits and cracks
. resin pockets
B Grade
This grade consists of the fall-down of all other grades. It has pieces free of pith, but with heavy
twisting; pieces with pith, but with heavy resin content; pieces with pith on one face, but with
heavy wane on its edged… In sum, all defects which other grades do not accept are accepted in
this grade. We do not produce B grade, but it is a consequence of our production. Therefore, this
grade can only be sold from stock.